Thursday, May 14, 2009


One of my favorite movies of all time is "The Princess Bride."  I watched it today again.  The movie if often mistaken for "The Princess Diaries" due to people's ignorance.  I implore everyone to watch this movie.  It is one of the most cleverly hilarious movies I have ever seen.  The movie to me is Brooksian, meaning it reminds me of something that Mel Brooks would create.  Cary 
Elwess, the main character Westley, is even in the Brooks movie "Robinhood Men in Tights."  
The story is a fairy tale told by a grandfather to his grandson, Fred Savage, while his grandson is home sick.  
The story takes place a long time ago, about the same times all fairy tales occur.  Westley is a stable boy who works for Princess Buttercups family.  They were both in love with the other although they didn't tell each other.  Whenever Buttercup asked him anything he only replied, "As you wish."  Westley left, and was believed to be dead at sea.  However, he had been taken captive by the Dread Pirate Roberts, and eventually takes the Dread Pirate's role after the former's retirement.  
Buttercup is captured by a Giant, Andre the Giant, a Spaniard named Inigo Montoya and a Sicilian who was the leader.  They had been paid by Prince Hupperdink in order to start a war.  
Westley catches up to the three and bests the giant in a battle of strength, the Spaniard in a battle of sword play and the Sicilian in a battle of wits.  During the sword fight they both fight with their left hands.  Inigo says, "I have to tell you, I'm not left handed," and Westley responds, "I have something to tell you, neither am I." This is the kind of clever oneliners that this movie is riddled with.  
After besting the Sicilian Westley is captured in order to protect Buttercup.  After he is tortured and put to dead Inigo and the Giant come to get Westley.  They take him to Miracle Max, Billy Crystal, who says that "he is only Mostly dead," then brings him back to life.
The trio then leaves Miracle Max with Max replying, "Have fun storming the castle," in his Jewish accent even though he is a troll.  
The trio makes it to the castle and Inigo gets revenge that he had been seeking throughout the movie.  A six fingered man had killed his father.  When he gets to Count Rugen, one of Humperdink's henchmen, he sees six fingers.  He says to him, "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die." Even though he is wounded and gets another wound, Inigo continues to attack repeating this phrase over and over, willing himself to continue; eventually getting his revenge.
In the end Westley saves Buttercup and they end up together.  Happily ever after.
My summary does not give this movie justice.  The movie is phenomenal and I consider it to be one of the best comedies of all time.  

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